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Service Animals & Disability Rights
CourseThis 30 minute module discusses how to offer support to survivors of Gender-Based Violence with service animals as well as the barriers and challenges.
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Approche tenant compte des traumatismes avec animaux dans le cadre des services sociaux : Soutenir les survivants et leurs animaux
CourseCe module de 30 minutes explique comment soutenir les survivants de la violence sexiste envers les animaux en adoptant une approche fondée sur le traumatisme.
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Sheltering Animals Offsite
CourseThis 30 minute module discusses the different models for offsite animal safekeeping programs and the considerations for each of the models.
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Awareness, Engagement & Confidentiality
CourseThis 30 minute module discusses the need for awareness and engagement to support survivors of GBV with animals, as well as consider confidentiality when building programs to support survivors of GBV with animals.
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Communauté de pratique : Soutenir les communautés autochtones et les survivantes de violence fondée
CourseCes enregistrements permettent d’accéder aux présentations des conférencier.ière.s invité.e.s lors de la communauté de pratique d’automne organisée par le Projet ACT pour assurer la sécurité des familles, qui portait sur le soutien aux communautés au
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Community of Practice: Supporting Indigenous Communities and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
CourseThese recordings are to provide access to the guest speaker presentations from the Fall ACT To Keep Families Safe Community of Practice which focused on supporting Indigenous communities and survivors of gender-based violence.
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